Record Collector of the Month - April 2022

April 07 2022
Written By Michele - April 07 2022
March 08 2022
Written By Michele - March 08 2022
February 28 2022
Written By Michele - February 28 2022
January 28 2022
Written By Michele - January 28 2022
December 10 2021
Written By Michele - December 10 2021
October 28 2021
Written By Michele - October 28 2021
April 29 2021
Written By Michele - April 29 2021
Tell us a little bit about yourself: Hi, I'm David. I started collecting records in the mid-90s. I started because they were cheaper than CDs at the time. I always had an affinity for vintage things and the whole format just grabbed me. I spent every dime I had including my lunch money on records for years and my first paychecks went almost exclusively to records. A special shout out to all my friends and fam that covered my meals over the years, part of my collection is definitely in honor of your sacrifice! I have been in many local Oregon bands over the years too (The Widgets, The Funhouse Strippers, The Falcon, Monoplane). Music has always been a large part of my life and honestly, it has also saved my life more than once. Music speaks to my soul, thrills me, gives me goosebumps on the regular and can make me cry and yell at the sky, sometimes all in one song.
I got my dream job working at a record store in 2003 and spent ten years working side by side with the legendary record collector and shop owner, Kit Close at Ranch Records. He and I had a brother-in-arms mentality about records and swapped secrets, information, and music recommendations. This was a heavy phase of record buying and one of the happiest times of my life. Eventually I became a loser and got a job with ‘The Man’ but we still regularly connect and commiserate on the sleeve differences of DEVO import singles and whether or not the vinyl bubble may burst again.
I have a lot of rock in my collection. I love music form the PNW and 90s Alternative. I also love the proto punk sound and 60’s/70’s music and… SOUNDTRACKS! The last 5 years or so I have fallen in love with soundtracks. I always had some, but it has become a full-blown obsession.
My latest foray into the vinyl world was starting The Vinyl Score. A YouTube channel that reviews soundtracks for film and television on vinyl. I compare releases, talk about the power of music in film and how well the soundtrack works as a standalone listen. I also showcase soundtracks I find in the wild and do a series of short soundtrack reviews called 99 Seconds, where I review a soundtrack in just under 100. It has SAVED me in COVID times. Some of my favorite reviews to make have been Twin Peaks, Thief, DUNE and The VVitch. If you like geeking out on soundtracks and vinyl variations, check it out sometime! The Vinyl Score
First album: The first album I ever received as a gift was a tape copy of Kriss Kross – Totally Krossed Out for Christmas which if you weren’t 12 in 1992 was THEE album, so I was feeling pretty pretty pretty cool. The first vinyl record I ever bought was Pearl Jam’s third album Vitalogy. The vinyl happened to come out a week earlier than the CD and that ALSO happened to be my birthday and I convinced my parents to take me to the local record store, Ranch Records, to grab a copy. About ten years later, I got a job at that same record shop.
Favorite album: Pacific Northwest Favorite: Pond – The Practice of Joy Before Death – This is a Sub Pop band from the 90s that were lesser known nationally but had a moment in the NW and in Europe. This is NOT the Tame Impala side project of the same name, these guys came YEAAARS earlier. This album is from a second wave of NW grunge that is definitely precursor to the Indie/Emo/Alt scene, or whatever you want to call it. Back when Sub Pop was signing and releasing music from a ton of PNW artists. It has such a unique sound. A guitar-bass-drum trio. I think I am so in love with the Lo-fi nature of it. It’s also emotionally heavy. Like, they all got dumped before their birthday and then splashed by a car going by. Crushed. There are those in Oregon who know this record and if you know, it’s like a secret handshake. I have five copies of this on vinyl. A signed copy, a sealed copy, an open copy, a test pressing and a rare German version with a bonus 7”. If you think you have a version I am missing, I am your man.
Rock: The Stooges – Funhouse – I don’t know what else to say than if this album doesn’t make you feel like a bad MFer, I don’t know what will. Iggy at his finest with the original band. The absolute blueprint for thousands of other bands. I love the story of this record too. A song a day in LA. Lots to appreciate. I still need an original of this one. Someday!
Soundtrack: Blade Runner – Music by Vangelis – It’s hard to pick just one but Blade Runner is just so amazing. The electronic textures of this are so immersive. I feel lost in this record. It really is one of the most transportive albums out there. I think even if this didn’t have the visual connection of the movie it would still send you to a sci-fi future both wonderous and terrifying. I have the Audio Fidelity 2013 pressing of this on red vinyl. The quietest record I have heard. Not a hint of surface noise.
Hip Hop: De La Soul – Three Feet High and Rising – I Love De La Soul and this was my first LP from them. I think actually it was a tape in a car for a loooong time until I found one on LP, but this album just makes me feel good! It has great storytelling, and this may be my first album with skits. I have a terrific early (maybe a first?) pressing of this with the hype sticker on it that I cherish.
Favorite Enjoy The Ride or Enjoy The Toons release: I am a huge 80s synth fan and I was so thrilled o see your Harold Faltermeyer’s release of the score to Beverly Hills Cop. I LOVE that cover too Eddie looks like a boss on it and the all black really looks great.
Favorite album artwork: Boy, this is a toughie but right now it is the original artwork for Thief. I love the opaque image of James Caan with the blowtorch sparks popping.
What are your favorite local record shops to support? – My favorite was and always will be Ranch Records. The owners retired after 37 awesome years in business in Salem, Oregon and leave a huge record void in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. There are some fantastic shops all across the state though. My favorite shop is Time Machine Records in Grants Pass, Oregon. A complete gem in southern Oregon. YOU MUST GO HERE if you are in the area. He runs a great shop and I swear gets some of the craziest and rarest punk stuff around and the rest of the genres are packed too. He is a little far for a day trip for me, so I only get there about twice a year. House of Records in Eugene, Oregon is my closest favorite. They have a great rotating stock of used records, get the fresh shizz for new LPs and are all around people of class. You also cannot go wrong with Patrick at Final Form in Portland, OR. He specializes in Video Game Soundtracks as well as regular OSTs and is a must stop for Emo and used video game gear. Portland has a ton of shops. Some are ok, they are a little overpraised right now and get plenty of press.
What have you been listening to more frequently lately? – SOUNDTRACKS!
Tenet by Ludwig Goransson – Cool rhythms and intense.
The Personal History of David Copperfield by Christopher Willis – This one was recommended all over Twitter, so I tried it and it is beautiful!!! A traditional symphonic score and just a classic. Really emotionally vibrant.
The Kid Detective by Jay McCarrol - This is like a Vince Guaraldi/Dave Brubeck style jazz noir soundtrack and the underrated movie of 2020, a darkly comic noir detective story.
Shirley by Tamar-Kali – Tamar-Kali is a new composer for me and this soundtrack from her is really strong. A spare mix of strings, piano and vocal parts. Also, support female composers and check this out!!
The Deer Hunter and Heaven’s Gate soundtracks, really in love with Michael Cimino’s movies right now
The Knight Rider Theme (Send me recommendations like this pls & thank you)
Any specific albums you wish you had on vinyl? – The wish list is soooooooooooo long, but my number one grail of ALL TIME would be an original German Polydor pressing of the Monks – Black Monk Time. It is incredibly rare and expensive, but it is such an influential record and simply ahead of its time.
What was the best album(s) you've discovered this year (it can be anything, doesn't have to be a new release): Antarctica by Vangelis. I have been picking up random albums of his all year and this soundtrack is the best one I have come across so far in my journey. It’s a soundtrack to a movie about a group of dogs that were abandoned due to a tragic accident by a Japanese expedition in Antarctica and their story of survival. It has amazing visuals and is a really compelling story with very little dialogue following these dogs and their journey, so music is really important. The soundtrack has his heavy synth trademark but there is fragility and beauty from this record that really grabbed me. It happened to snow here a few months back, and it rarely does where I live in Oregon and I had this moment in my apartment watching the snow fall with Antarctica playing and I just got lost for a while. That’s the kind of effect I am looking for from music.
What upcoming releases are you most excited about? St. Vincent! She is always incredible and a real chameleon. I am always into a new release from her and I can’t wait for Daddy’s Home.
Who is a band or artist that you think are underrated that we should give a listen to? Typhoon – A large scale indie band from Portland, OR. HUGE sounds with really poetic lyricism. The dynamics of the band are really tightly orchestrated with strings and horns and guitars.
Scenario time! If you could create a vinyl variant for any album (already pressed or never been pressed before), what would it look like? Feel free to get creative with this one, it’s always awesome to hear what different features everyone likes! As a PNW music fan from the 90s and early 2000s there are releases here and there from beloved bands that never were pressed on vinyl I would love to see BUT for me the ultimate would be an expanded reissue of: The Shining. Release it as a double LP. LP One is a traditional re-release of the original record. The second I would like to see any unreleased tracks AND include some of the discarded tracks created by Wendy Carlos and Rachel Elkind. OR… release it as a double LP with Doctor Sleep as disc two!!
March 24 2021
Written By Michele - March 24 2021
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I’m Joseph. I’m in my mid to late 30’s and live in NYC (Astoria, Queens). My collection is a little over 1,000 records, 150 CD’s (down from almost 5,000 before a necessary purge for space) and 15 lonely cassettes. I started collecting mainly early-mid 00’s emo, pop-punk & hardcore, but have moved to “anything I may want to listen to” with e complete collections of Matt & Kim, Murder by Death, The Juliana Theory (I’m actually real deep on this, and only hunting Promotional CD’s/cassettes), Thick and The Explosion. Almost complete is Cold War Kids and Minus the Bear. Other than vinyl, I’m a huge Disney World fan, being an Annual Passholder despite living in NYC. I can be found on the internet under the name momentumlost on almost any platform.
First album: The Thursday Thrice Split 7”. I picked it up at HMV on a spring break trip to Montreal in 2003 while a friend of mine and I were enjoying the local libations a bit too much. When I got home I wound up buying a record player just to play it.
Favorite album: Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance. This is a formative album for me, coming out when I was in college and I had to have worn out at least 3 cd’s of it back in the day.
Favorite Enjoy The Ride or Enjoy The Toons release: I missed out on a bunch of the OG ones but managed to pick up a copy of the self titled Good Charlotte album you guys did. Beyond that I’d kill for the Something Corporate albums and The Young & The Hopeless. As for what I own, My favorite Is Romance in the Digital Age. The movie was great and the soundtrack is amazing. I also have a test pressing of Fairweather - Lusitania I love since it’s a top 20 album of all time for me. My Fiance and I have been picking up the Nicktoons soundtracks you guys have been putting out as well and those are a ton of fun!
Favorite album artwork: This is a 3 way tie for me:
Fall Out Boy - Take This to Your Grave (1st pressing) as I love how it was just a photoshoot in Pete’s childhood bedroom.
Oasis - Be Here Now is just so grand in it’s excess and of course Noel Gallagher would reuse the riff for Wonderwall on the first song and bury it under 7 more guitar tracks and show off by putting a Rolls Royce in a swimming pool.
The Dust Brothers - Fight Club (Mondo pressing). I’m such a sucker for packaging and this album is some of the most inventive. Having to tear the cover open to get to the records inside is also crazy and goes against everything I do to keep my records looking great, but fits the vibe from the movie perfectly.
What are your favorite local record shops to support? Limited to One in Manhattan is my go to spot with Generation Records on Thompson St being a close number 2. A special shout out to Hifi Records here in Astoria for having a great selection and being within a 10 minute walk from my doorstep.
What have you been listening to more frequently lately? Britpop. Summer 2019 I fell down an hole of listening to Oasis all day everyday and the furthest I’ve climbed out of it is other Britpop bands. The most common ones being Sleeper, Blur, The Verve, Travis, Supergrass and of course, Oasis and both brothers solo work. It’s gotten to the point I’ve started collecting Oasis bootlegs on vinyl just for some fresh stuff. It’s basically 1996 in my speakers most of the time.
Any specific albums you wish you had on vinyl? The big 3 are 3 that I sold over the years and regret giving up: Finch - What it is to Burn, The Movielife - 40 Hour Train (1st pressing on marbled green) and Coheed & Cambria - 2nd Stage Turbine Blade. I’m also kicking myself for not picking up the first Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds album or Blur’s 13 at the beginning of the pandemic as both went between pressings and the prices are insane right now. Thankfully both are backorder titles that their respective major labels will restock (it just might suck to import them from the UK when they do come back)
What was the best album(s) you've discovered this year (it can be anything, doesn't have to be a new release): The Verve - Urban Hymns. While I knew Urban Hymns from the single “Bittersweet Symphony”, the album is damn near perfect from beginning to end. Jaded Hearts Club - You’ve Always Been Here. This is a supergroup with members of Muse, Blur, Jet, The Last Shadow Puppets & The Zutons. All rock & roll covers and each one slays. “Reach Out and I’ll Be There” in particular hits hard.
What upcoming releases are you most excited about? For New Music it would have to be Death from Above 1979 - Is 4 Lovers. As far as a vinyl issue of an older album, I’m stoked on the Her soundtrack (Arcade Fire & Owen Pallett) finally getting pressed. Liam Gallagher keeps teasing new songs he’s working on, so I’m pretty stoked on that too.
Who is a band or artist that you think are underrated that we should give a listen to? Thick. They are a pop-punk band from Brooklyn and kill it. Over several EP’s and their full length (5 Years Behind, on Epitaph) they haven’t written a single bad song. Their Mansplain video is perfect. My personal favorite song is Green Eyes from their self titled EP.
Scenario time! If you could create a vinyl variant for any album (already pressed or never been pressed before), what would it look like? Feel free to get creative with this one, its always awesome to hear what different features everyone likes! Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer - Jalopy Go Far. I LOVE this band and it sucks none of their work ever made it to vinyl. A colorful copy of this with a nice 2 color pressing in Blue/Orange to match the art would be amazing. I’m a sucker for the inside/outside look that a bunch of late 00’s records had (similar to the “galaxy” pressings that seem to be getting popular these days, but where the A side and Bside colors are reversed. Portugal the Man - Church Mouth on Suburban Home has this, as does the Black Red pressing of All-American Rejects Move On). With a nice chipboard cover, it would be a snap buy for me.
February 12 2021
Written By Michele - February 12 2021
January 27 2021
Written By Michele - January 27 2021
Tell us a little bit about yourself: My Name is Ben Hendrix and I live in a suburb just north of Austin, TX. In 2006 I was 18 years old when I walked into a half priced books and saw a copy of Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the USA for sale staring straight at me. I didn’t even own a record player but something struck me and I HAD to have that on vinyl. At that point in time I had never actually heard a record played before. I honestly cannot tell you what attracted me to vinyl that day but I remember immediately getting the vinyl bug that very moment. I had no idea the vinyl craze was about to explode nor did I have any idea how far this hobby would take me over the years to come.
You can also see me on IG @vinylxlifex :)
First album: Born in the USA - Bruce Springsteen (if you don’t count my first CD which was N’Sync *face palm*)
Favorite album: Oh man, this is always a tough one for music lovers because there is never really just one favorite album. I’d like think the hallmark of an all-time favorite record is the emotional tie it has to the listener at a particular time in their life. So with that said, here are a few favorites:
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Van is my all time favorite artist and I really fell in love with his music when I was 18 years old living in Auckland, NZ. I believe Astral Weeks is one of those albums that was meant to meet you where you’re at and sooth the soul. I just remember repeatedly putting on this record and it would transport me to another dimension every time.
Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger will always be on my all-time favorites list because of the dark times this album carried me through in my early 20’s. Man, I don’t think this cd left my car for years.
Bon Iver - Bon Iver was such a beautifully haunting record that really dug its claws into me when released. The perfect album to compliment my last year as a bachelor before getting married. Not to mention this album was lighting caught in a bottle if you ask me.
Josh Garrels - Home came out the same time my twins were born and it was the perfect album to play during my first year as a dad. There is a song called Heaven’s Knife that just moves me when thinking about what my wife went through having those kids.
Favorite Enjoy The Ride or Enjoy The Toons release: Michael Brook - Into The Wild OST was definitely a must own record when I heard it was being pressed. One of my all time favorite movies and both Eddie Vedder and Michael Brook’s music were in total harmony for the backdrop to that film. I have to add that the artwork on that pressing was particularly gorgeous as well.
Favorite album artwork: Oy.. Another tough one to narrow down. Off the cuff, I’d go with Novo Amor’s Heiress or Bon Iver’s self titled album. Both of those record covers make my soul yearn for a drive through some majestic mountains with music being the fuel to both an internal and external adventure.
What are your favorite local record shops to support? There are a handful I visit but the one I spent the most time visiting is Piranha Records in Round Rock, TX. The owner John is extremely friendly and very fun to talk with. I love to go in there and ask for recommendations and see what he has been listening to as well. I’ve bought several records purely based on his recommendations and they’re always fantastic buys.
What have you been listening to more frequently lately? During the day I find myself driving around listening to Kings Kaleidoscope’s album Zeal. When working at my desk I tend to play a lot of Khrungbin since it helps me concentrate.
Then at night I’ve been getting further and further into the early 70’s Jazz Funk scene. Rusty Bryant’s Fire Eater is one of my favorites that goes perfect with a glass of bourbon.
Any specific albums you wish you had on vinyl? Cat Steven’s Harold And Maude soundtrack (pressed by Vinyl Films) is one of those records I’d love to own but its a tad out of reach as prices are quite outrageous online.
What was the best album(s) you discovered last year (it can be anything, doesn't have to be a new release): Leif Vollebekk’s New Ways and Twin Solitude are two records I became deeply attached to very quickly. I cannot wait to see what he does next as his music can take you to another world with or without your permission.
What upcoming releases are you most excited about? Helen Stellar is supposed to release new music for the first time in years and I’ve been a big fan of theirs for some time now. They were my first shoegaze band that introduced me to a flurry of other artists in that genre as well. I’ve also heard War on Drugs has new music in the works and I’m always down for some Drugs.
Who is a band or artist that you think are underrated that we should give a listen to? Benjamin James is one of my favorite under the radar artists. His album Penumbra is simply beautiful all the way through. This dude also needs his music pressed on vinyl as he is yet to have anything physically released.
Scenario time! If you could create a vinyl variant for any album (already pressed or never been pressed before), what would it look like? Feel free to get creative with this one, its always awesome to hear what different features everyone likes! I actually keep a running document of music I love that is yet to be pressed on vinyl in case I ever get a wild hair and start funding these projects myself somehow LOL. If I could rub a magic lamp I’d love to see the following happen:
Nancy Wilson (of Heart) has some incredible soundtrack music she wrote for several of Cameron Crowe’s films. You can find a select number of tracks around the internet but very few things have ever been officially released. I’d love to see a box set put together with all of her unreleased soundtrack material and a book explaining history being the music, writing process and photographs of her working out the songs in her home or studio.
Also, the first EP’s and album from Francis and The Lights are phenomenal and somehow have never been pressed on vinyl (Striking, A Modern Promise and It’ll Be Better). Black and White Splattered pressings of these records would be super dope.
Lastly, how the hell has Damien Rice’s 9 never been pressed? Thats crazy to me. Hashtag box set please.