Record Collector Of The Month: July

Tell us a little bit about yourself! We are vinyl collecting couple from Ontario. Listening to music together is one the most important aspects of our relationship. Music has always played a significant role in our lives, and we were very lucky to a found a soulmate who shares the same passion. Our Instagram page has allowed us to share our love of music with the world, and chronicle our memories together. We like all genres and styles of music, though we hang out most on the fringes. We’re totally not afraid to get a bit weird. You may as well go a bit off the beaten path with your records because you’re going to hear all the other stuff on the radio anyways, right?
Favorite album:
Dillon: To answer this near impossible question, I will say Swans “The Seer”. Bold, experimental, flawless record. .
Brooklyn: I agree this is a near impossible question to answer. I suppose I would go with, on most days, Cocteau Twin’s “Treasure”. Enchanting, beautiful and whimsical sounds that were so ahead of their time.
First album:
Brooklyn: Our first record was Myrkur’s M. Beautiful female fronted black metal that Dillon bought for me at a concert because I lost my cell phone in the washroom and missed most of her set looking for it. We didn’t even have a record player yet!
Favorite Enjoy The Ride or Enjoy The Toons release:
Brooklyn: My favourite Enjoy the Ride release would have to be your Dark Crystal Soundtrack. It’s what put your label on our radar. As a huge fan of not only Jim Henson and composer Trevor Jones, but also the creative work of Brian Fraud, I was excited to find this on wax. Simply enchanting music, very nostalgic, and the gorgeous pressings are absolutely worth noting as well. That pinwheel variant... drooling.
Dillon: I am a big fan of Mike Patton, so I’ve got to go with your Crank: High Voltage Soundtrack. It reminds me of some of his work with Fantômas, and I absolutely love a good experimental blitzkrieg to get the blood pumping and synapses firing!
Favorite album artwork: Three album artists whose work we absolutely adore are Zbigniew M. Bielak, known most prominently for his work for Ghost; Paolo Girardi, awesome death metal album artist; and of course, John Dyer Baisley, bass player/ lead vocalist of Baroness, and absolutely breathtaking album artist.
What are your favorite record shops in your area, in case any readers are traveling through your town? If you’re visiting Toronto, you’ve got to head to Sonic Boom or Rotate This. Both are incredible stores we frequent often. If, somehow, you make your way to small town Ontario, our stomping grounds, check out Encore Records in Kitchener, Ontario. It’s our favourite shop!
What have you been listening to more frequently lately? We’ve got an extreme metal festival coming up, Migration Fest in Pittsburgh, so it’s been a lot of nasty, extreme, boundary pushing, skull crushing heavy stuff. Portal, Mizmor, Howls of Ebb, Panopticon, and of course, Bongripper!
What are some of your favorite albums you have in your collection?
Brooklyn: I’ll go with two undeniable classics, The Mars Volta’s “Francis the Mute” and Burzum’s “Filosofem”
Dillon: I’ll go with Sun Kil Moon’s “Benji” (singer-songwriter masterpiece) and my favourite album of last year, Bell Witch’s “Mirror Reaper”.
Any specific albums you wish you had on vinyl?
Dillon: You mean other than your Fall of Troy reissues? I guess I’ll go with Cake’s vinyl-box set. A record store day release re-selling for about $1 million dollars right now
Brooklyn: I would love a copy of Electric Wizard’s “Supercoven”. It’s to get a copy of that one these days!
What album would you like to be pressed on vinyl?
Brooklyn: Tool’s “10000 Days”. The bootlegs suck. We need the real deal!
Dillon: Dog Fashion Disco’s “Anarchists of Good Taste” would be such a great one to see on wax!
What upcoming summer albums are you excited about?
Dillon: I’m really excited for the new Idles album, “ Joy as an Act of Resistance”. That band blows my mind.
Brooklyn: Bongripper’s “Terminal”. I’m extremely stoked for that one! Instrumental doom titans!
If you were on a desert island and you could only fit three records safely in your suitcase which ones would you take with you?
Dillon: Three albums to pass the years of solitude on a desert island.... My first has to be Mr. Bungle’s “California”, because that album offers all the genres and styles you could ever need. Next, I will need something heavy enough to rock out to, but intricate enough that I will never get bored of it, so let’s go with Car Bomb’s “w^w^^w^w”. Lastly, we have Bohren and Der Club of Gore’s “Piano Nights” for the dark nights under the stars.
Brooklyn: My choices are based purely on repeatability. I am always in the mood for Primus’ “Frizzle Fry”, The Cure’s “Disintegration” and Portishead’s “Dummy”.