Ross' Picks: Tom Petty - Damn The Torpedos: Absolute classic from front to back. Been spinning this all week in honor of one of the best songwriters of all time. Paramore - After Laughter: Fantastic album of 80s bubble gum pop with lyrics that are dark as fuck. Love it! Eurotrip Soundtrack- Scotty Doesn't Know!..... enough said
Michele's Picks: Josie + The Pussycats Soundtrack: I've loved this album since I first heard "3 Small Words." . When I found out our friends at Mondo would be releasing this album, I totally dorked out + cried tears of joy. Mondo did right by the album, hosting a screening of the film, bringing the cast + crew back together, + most importantly, getting Kay Hanley + her Josie band together to perform for the FIRST. TIME. EVER. Legendary job - Kudos, Mondo! Save Ferris - It Means Everything: I remember buying this CD as a teenager when it first came out twenty years ago, which makes me feel slightly old [but I think I'm at the point where I am too old to care, hahah]. Their cover of "Come On Eileen" was fantastic, but "Superspy" + "Goodbye" are my jams. |